Friday, June 9, 2017



ABC had its camera set up in the jail office (or just behind the desks in 
the jail office area) BEFORE Oswald ever got shot. They wanted their 
camera to capture Oswald as he came out of the elevator. And it did 
capture those images. 
And that same camera then was moved a short distance to its right to film  Oswald going into the basement garage, and that's also in the video above, which shows Oswald getting shot from behind. 
That same camera then filmed Ruby a minute or two later as he was being 
escorted by police to the same elevator that Oswald was just brought out 
Ralph Cinque: David, that WFAA film crew followed the procession out. They went into the garage. They didn't remain in the jail office. How do you think we got this?

It's the same film crew, and they went out into the garage. Why would they have left a film crew in the jail office when nothing else was expected to happen there? Oswald was supposed to be put in a car and driven off, and then it was going to be over. There was nothing else pending; nothing else to happen in the jail office. So, why would they have left a film crew there? They wouldn't They couldn't. They didn't. 

David Von Pein: 

A little more about the topic of Ruby's jacket.... 

It sure looks to me as though Ruby is moving in a manner so as to put his 
jacket back on in the ABC jail office footage. 

Ralph Cinque: 

How can that be so if we don't even see the jacket? 

David Von Pein:

But another possibility is that Ruby is, indeed, handcuffed at that moment in time and his jacket is only partially off of his body. Maybe the jacket got pulled partly off (exposing only his white shirt in the brief glimpse we get of Ruby in the ABC footage) and perhaps they did slap the cuffs on Ruby at a point in 
time when Ruby was disheveled and had his jacket only partially on.

Ralph Cinque:

Why are you speculating like that when we don't see the jacket at all? How dare you say that it's partially on him when we don't see it at all? 

David Von Pein: 

Then, a short time later in the jail office, probably with the help of the 
officers to his left and right, Ruby's jacket was slid back into its 
proper place on his body after it had slid part of the way down his back 
in the struggle after Ruby shot Oswald. It's hard to tell in the ABC video 
whether Ruby's jacket is completely off or whether it's just part of the 
way off of his body. 

Ralph Cinque:

What??? There is no sign of his jacket. It isn't visible at all. How dare you? Put a circle around his jacket, as you see it. This is your image, David. This is the image to which YOU are referring. So, circle the jacket or the partial jacket. 

David Von Pein:

So maybe it was more the actions of the police officers, rather than being 
Ruby entirely on his own, who got the jacket back in place just before 
entering the elevator. 

Ralph Cinque:

If he's handcuffed, and we have to assume he was, neither he nor the cops could get the jacket on him, and that's because he was handcuffed. He could not have been wearing the jacket at all if he was handcuffed. So, what are you saying? That he wasn't wearing the jacket but that the jacket was draped over him like a shawl? Because that's all that's left. 

David Von Pein:

If he was handcuffed at that moment, then it was 
almost certainly the policemen who did most of the work in getting Ruby's 
jacket back into place on Ruby's back, rather than Jack doing it all 
himself, which would indeed have been difficult (if not impossible) if he 
had been in handcuffs at that moment.

Ralph Cinque:

You are just making it up as you go. There is no jacket in sight until he gets to the elevator. We see him walking across the jail office, and there is no jacket, and no one is doing anything to put a jacket on him. All that you are saying is entirely the product of your imagination.  

There IS no jacket. Not while he's walking and not at the elevator either. It's just a black partition that was added to the film. It has none of the features of a jacket. Where are the sleeves? Where is the collar?  It's just flim-flam. 

David Von Pein:

I have no idea if the above scenario is accurate or not, but I really 
don't care too much one way or the other --- and that's because no 
rational person could possibly even BEGIN to believe in all the crazy 
cloak-and-dagger stuff and "fake films" theories that Ralph Cinque has 
been entertaining his audience with in recent months. 

Regardless of whether Ruby was handcuffed or not in the jail office, and 
regardless of how Ruby's jacket was situated on his body just after the 
shooting of Oswald, the bottom-line fact still remains the same --- and 
that fact is: 

Jack Ruby was the man who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. And no 
sensible person could believe otherwise. 

Ralph Cinque:

That's all you've got, David: just stubborn insistence and nothing else. The JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event of all time, and it's hardly surprising that it would continue with the Oswald assassination. 

And despite what I have told you about 3 detectives stating that they handcuffed Ruby upon getting him into the jail office, you still cling to the possibility that Ruby wasn't handcuffed at all. It's amazing that you have the nerve, the gall. Then, you speak of how Ruby's jacket was situated on his body when it's obviously not on his body at all. There is no jacket. There is no jacket. 

And now, you're admitting that you're just tossing the lasso and hoping that it snags something. Your sorry excuses to justify this have failed miserably. The fact is that Jack Ruby is jacketless at a time when he should definitely be in a jacket. So where was his jacket? It was up on the 5th floor where he had already been. They brought him back down for this. And they just forgot about his jacket.  

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