Saturday, October 14, 2017

Here's the Bieb in 1970.

So, is this guy the Bieb, as claimed?

I'm not sold. Compare the chins. Compare the hair. Isn't he showing balding on the left? It's progressive, right? It only gets worse, not better. 

That's it for me. I'm not seeing it. So, I am not going to honor that identification any longer. So, who is that guy?
Let's try to find him in the KRLD footage.

So, there he is, with his thinning hair, and next to him is Leavelle. 

After they get Oswald in, you see Dhority and then Leavelle board the ambulance in back on the right side, and that's it. You don't see that slightly balding guy again. You don't see Graves board the ambulance, but since the tailgate gets closed after Leavelle gets in, you know that Graves did not board that way. He did not get in in back. So, that means that both Graves and Bieb had to end on the right side, middle door. But, there was only one seat there. So, something is wrong with the story of who got into that ambulance.
It does not make sense.

Let's look at Parkland. So, the ambulance arrives and then it had to back up to get in position. The first person we recognize is Wolfe. 

So, that's Wolfe in the white shirt. Note the time of 21 seconds. Then, it jumps. There's a splice.

That's instantaneous. Wolfe has already at the tailgate, which is open, and Leavelle is getting out. Several seconds have had to pass, yet the clock still says 21 seconds. So, they did a splice there and cut out several seconds. Now, why would they do that? Too long? Had to edit it for length? Next, we see Graves emerge on the right.

So, the guy in the black hat is Graves. 
Now, I'm wondering about that guy on the lower right as a candidate for Bieb.

Yes, that works for me. It's much better than the other one. And I found the clincher. He's got a stethoscope in his hands.

So, that's the Bieb, for sure. 

Shit yes, that's the Bieb; word to your mother.

I'm pretty sure this is him too, following the stretcher.

Alright, so now we know the Bieb was there. But, why don't we see him here?

I don't know. I figure that he must have come out after Bookhout. 

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